At SMETEC Services Pty Ltd, we are committed to protecting the privacy of that communicate their business needs with us. This Privacy Policy explains our commitment to privacy. We take this responsibility seriously and ensure that we comply with our legal and moral obligations under the
Commonwealth Privacy Act 1988.
We will always use fair and lawful means of collecting your information, and in most circumstances collect your information directly from you. We handle your information securely and carefully, and only use your information if necessary to deliver you a service or perform other necessary business functions and activities. We will not use your information for purposes unrelated to our services without first obtaining your consent. Smetec Services adheres to strict policies set out in our Quality Information Security Manual under
ISO27001 guidelines.
We receive website information that you provide when you use our website or provide during an enquiry. For automatic Information, like many websites, we use cookies and obtain certain types of information from you when you click through online advertising or have saved in your computer.
A cookie is a small file stored on your computer’s browser, which assists in managing customized settings of the website and delivering content to you. We collect certain information, such as your device type, browser type, IP address, pages you have accessed on our website. This information is anonymized and cannot be used to identify you. You can use the settings in your browser to control how your browser deals with cookies.
However, if you disable or restrict the use of cookies, you may be unable to access certain pages or content on our website. Examples of information collected include but are not limited to; Internet Protocol (IP) address used to connect your computer to the internet, email addresses, computer connection information including browser type, time zone, browser plug-in types, operating system.
When you view our website from a mobile device, we may receive information about your location and your mobile device, including a unique identifier for your device. Should you wish to not share your location or any other information auto-relayed from your device please contact your service provider or follow steps to turn off location services on your device.
We want to ensure that any email communication that you receive from us is about products or services that we know interest you. One of the ways we do this is by receiving information about what emails you open and those you don't. Your personal and company information is extremely important to us and we pride ourselves by doing the best of industry practices to ensure that it remains this way.