Do you have a part that is complex to measure? A part that is no longer made and difficult to find data about? Is it something that needs to be put back into the production equipment due to the lack of spares and you have limited availability to accurately measure?
SMETEC services brings new state of the art Hexagon Arm 7 Axis mobile scanning capabilities within your reach. Our Hexagon arm with a repeatability to 0.03mm and the capacity to reposition means that you be rest assured the item you need to have replaced will fit first time every time!!
The latest and most advanced 3D laser scanning equipment and software also ensures that we can deliver appropriate files for further processing. Using Polyworks Inspector, Smetec can provide you with a full suite of drawings and analyses for your parts.
From Heat Map overlay, to part qualifying for your end project, the ability to provide exact dimensioning reports and ability to produce 3D files for direct input into production machinery for manufacture. 3D scanning saves time and money and allows us to your parts to original precision.
Contacts us today for a detailed overview of our in house 3D scanning services or drop past and discuss with our friendly team.