Waterjet Cutting

Waterjet Technology has been around for decades and continues to be a front-runner due to its inherent ability to process a large amount of materials.

With a bed size of 4000 mm x 2000 mm and pressure to 66K PSI Smetec can process material thicknesses up to 150mm providing superior nesting properties and limited material wastage especially with exotic materials.

Smetec Services: waterjet cutting machine providing precise water jet cutting service

Utilising garnet and water pressure the system uses 'no heat', unlike traditional methods such as Oxy Cutting and Laser. This ensures the material continues to be superior right up to the cut edge. It also enables better further down-the-line processing, reducing cleanup prior to finishing services such as welding and assembly.

Have a hard-to-process material? Contact us today for a solution to your problem.